wrongfully fired!

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New Member
i filled out this application for this job.on the application the question was have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemenor in the past 5 years.my answer was no.i gave all my information for a background check aswell because i have nothing to hide.i was hired in.i worked at this job for 3 weeks.they called me into the office.and said i lied on my application because i had a misdemenor from 6 years ago.they fired me and said i lied on my application! how did i lie when the question stated within 5 years? not 6! is this a wrongful firing?? and there are people working at this job with misdemenors and felonies is this also considered discrimination??
No and no.

A wrongful termination does not mean what most people think it means. It does not mean that you were fired for something you did not do; unless there is a specific law that prohibits the employer from terming you for the reason they did, it is not a wrongful termination. There is no law that prohibits them from terming you because they believe you lied on the application form, even if they are mistaken.

You were not fired because of the conviction. You were fired because, rightly or wrongly, they believe that you lied on your application. Therefore the fact that other people with convictions have not been fired does not constitute illegal discrimination (not to mention that people with convictions are not a protected class in most states).
This is lame as it gets. Getting canned for messing up 6 years ago? You worked there for 6 weeks and they felt the need to fire you for supposedly lying about the whole event?

Come on!
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