Working 70 hrs/week, being paid 30

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New Member
My sister got a job at a very prestigious university in California's nonprofit research laboratory. The boss posted the listing for a full time position. At the interview, he told her he hated people that look at the clock when they're at work. He wants people who don't give a crap about what they're paid and just love to work. Turns out he and her one coworker are both severe workaholics.

After being told she was hired out of hundreds of applicants, he tells her he can't afford full time just yet as the lab's fairly new and don't have enough grants yet. However, he'll bump her from part time (6 hrs/day) to full time ASAP.

It's been 4 months now and she's been working 12 freaking hours a day, even on Saturdays or Sundays (at least one of those a week too) so about 60-70 hours/week alongside her coworker, but being paid half what the coworker is being paid. When filling in her timesheet the first week, she asked the coworker what she should put in as she gets paid for 6 no matter what. The coworker says "Just put 6. Always put 6."

Then she finds out the coworker is VERY close to the boss and followed him here from Ohio and helps him manage his money so they'll have enough to do their research.

What can my sister do? This must be illegal for what she's paid, especially since she just found out that some of the things the boss has her do DOES bring in another source of income, not just from grants.

Not only that, but he's very touchy with her, staring at her legs, cracking inappropriate jokes, etc. He's married and 50 something and my sister's 27, and that's not even the biggest deal here.

How can she handle this boss without getting a bad reference, exactly what she's afraid of? She says she needs this experience and good reference to get a better job elsewhere. I say get the hell out and report him. What should she do?

Thanks in advance..I know this is very long.
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