work place harassment

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New Member
I recently got a new boss and during a meeting he said he would get rid of 60 of us to get 40 people he liked. We were in his meeting for nearly an hour UNPAID. He says we need to take one for the team once in a while. Secondly we get paid for lunch time but we do not get the time, we usually have to eat and work sometimes not getting to eat at all or just grabbing something and keep on moving. Now he has begun doing what he said about getting rid of 60 people to get 40 he likes which include a long time friend and a church member. I have been put under an internal investigation for abuse of sick time for one day last november and one day last December. FROM LAST YEAR. Between his threats and petty investigations I feel I am being harassed. what do you think.
Barring a contract or CBA that says otherwise, there is nothing illegal about firing people in order to make room for "people he likes". It is not uncommon for a new manager to bring in his own people that he has worked with before and knows he can work with.

I'm not saying it's fair. I'm saying it's legal.

What state are you in? It makes a difference to the rest of the answer.
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