Will I be drug tested in court when contesting a ticket?

tori ashby

New Member
I was in a car accident and received a civil infraction ticket. The officers on the scene were very nice and encouraged me to contest the ticket, so that's what I decided to do. I have my hearing for contesting the ticket on the 21st and I am just wondering if I will be drug tested at this hearing or not? Thank you.
I was in a car accident and received a civil infraction ticket.

A ticket for what? The ticket likely cites a section of the Michigan statutes (MCL). What is that section number?

The officers on the scene . . . encouraged me to contest the ticket, so that's what I decided to do.

On what basis are you contesting it?

I am just wondering if I will be drug tested at this hearing or not?

I could be wrong, but I doubt anyone has ever been "drug tested at [a] hearing." Are you imagining dropping trou and peeing in a cup in a courtroom?

It's possible that, if you are convicted, you might be ordered to undergo a drug test. However, by January 21, any drug that may have been in your system on or before January 10 is likely to be out of your system unless you are continuing to use it. What drug are concerned about?
I have my hearing for contesting the ticket on the 21st and I am just wondering if I will be drug tested at this hearing or not?

The judge presiding over your case will determine if you are tested for the use of illicit drugs.

Unless you behave in an odd, bizarre, peculiar manner; testing you for the use of illicit drugs PROBABLY won't become an issue for you.
I have my hearing for contesting the ticket on the 21st and I am just wondering if I will be drug tested at this hearing or not? Thank you.

No. They'd need a warrant to trust test you unless you are convicted of something and either go to jail (where the drug test would be at the jail) or you go on probation and drug testing is ordered as part of the probation conditions. Don't show up high on drugs and you shouldn't have any problems here. You don't plan to do illegal drugs before that hearing do you?