Wife put restraining order on me

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New Member
Been married for 3 years, together for 8. Just in the process of getting my wife served but she keeps avoiding it. For two weeks they have been trying to pin her down but she's a sneaky little thing. I moved out going on 6 weeks now and I can't believe how she is behaving. Then last week her parents come down, pick her up and take her to their home and they take our dog, Zander, my big, blue Great Dane. I didn't know she left the house vacant until 5 days after they left. They have been clear across the state now for 8 days, still avoiding the papers. Well, I'm a little torqued they took the dog so I had them notified that I would be driving out to pick him up. He'd much rather be at home and with me. Well, they get a restraining order on me to prevent me from getting the dog. This vindictive minx (wife) has definitely lost any brownie points she might have had. Anything I can do to have the dog back while I am dragged through this miserable saga?
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