When one spouse dies does Trust have to be changed?

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New Member
My grandmother passed away in July of 2010. My grandparents have a trust, not more than $300,000.00 total, including the house , stocks, banks account. After my grandmother passed, we went to there Trust Lawyer, she advised us it was going to be $1000 minium to change the trust, and it must be changed. We found out there Trust lawyery is ripping people off, and now in trouble with the law. I dont know what to do. Does the trust have to be changed ? Does everthing just transfer to my grandfather. There is an executor, and benificarys. Nothing is changing. Please Help.
My grandmother passed away in July of 2010. My grandparents have a trust, not more than $300,000.00 total, including the house , stocks, banks account. After my grandmother passed, we went to there Trust Lawyer, she advised us it was going to be $1000 minium to change the trust, and it must be changed. We found out there Trust lawyery is ripping people off, and now in trouble with the law. I dont know what to do. Does the trust have to be changed ? Does everthing just transfer to my grandfather. There is an executor, and benificarys. Nothing is changing. Please Help.

If you have little or no confidence in the current attorney, find another one ASAP.
Ask around, friends, relatives, pastors, teachers, co-workers, people you trust; and then go speak with a couple of them.
Select the one that you feel will best handle your problem.
The attorney you hire will begin the proper legal proceedings to ensure your grandfather's assets are protected.
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