what if a mom wont let a child move to his dads

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New Member
What if a mom wont let a child move to his Dada and every time he ask the mom don't let the child see his dad 4 weekend what do I do I'm dad
We don't know enough about the situation and what your custody order states. If this violates your visitation or custody rights, my understanding is that you can:

- have an attorney write a letter informing the mom that you will take legal action and see if that works.
- file contempt of court motion (you can ask for your costs and attorneys fees too.)
- call the police.

This isn't my area of specialty but it's what I understand the options are.
You have two seperate issues here. Far as moving goes that would require a court order amending curernt custody order. Far as see Dad (you) if there is a visitation order on file and Mom is not following it then you should take Mom to court for violating that order
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