What happens in a Reconsideration

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New Member
We have 15 days before the proposed order for child support, custody, and visitation becomes final. The master did not include back child support because it was not mentioned. I was told that a reconsideration could be filed before finalization. Does this mean we would have to go back to another hearing? Or will the judge adjust the child support to include arrearages dating back almost one year ago which is when the case was filed?
Since we know nothing of the details of the case. Nor do we know other sides view we cannot say. I suspect you will likely have to return to court but cannot say for sure. If you have a Lawyer for this case ask him.
It was an uncontested custody case. The defendent refused to mediate, so we went to trial. The judge ordered the plaintiff (me), custody and child support. The defendent got visitation. It took almost a year before we got a temp order. The case dragged on for another 8 months because of mediation issues. We had a 4 hour trial. I realized aftewards that back support was not included. I would like the judge to reconsider this before finalizing the order. I really dont want to have to go back to court for this. Why would a judge not agree to the defendent paying back child support?
they have heard both side in a merits hearing. So they would need to hear both of our arguements regarding back child support?
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