What happened to my children while in foster care!

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i have a question? My children were in a foster home for a year in a half. i was fortunate to get them back in my custody nov 12th of 2011. after about two to three weeks of them being back home my husband and i started to notice signs of abuse in our children. i have reported this to the state authorities which met ith me and the kids. what will happen to the perpetrator and i'm thinking about suing the foster agency what steps should i take in this matter thanks.
You'll need to wait until the investigation has been completed.

If abuse is confirmed, you will need to speak with an attorney.

Quick question though - why were they removed from YOUR care to begin with?
That would not ordinarily preclude YOU from retaining custody. What actually happened?

There is a reason why I'm asking - because certain experts might easily allege that any signs of abuse etc., originated from when they were in yours and/or your husband's care.
theyve been in foster care for two years they were 1 and 2 when they got took now theyre 3 and 4 they were too young
Mom, we can't help you if you can't or won't give us the needed information. Your only option is to speak with a local attorney.
my husband got busted with drugs and srs got called by my husbands aunt and it was basically over drugs weve been taking random uas for two years and passed a hair test to get them back. also because the house was a mess they said it was neglet. thats the only reasons.
So YOU were also found guilty of neglect? What about drug use? Were you using at the time in the presence of the children?
I think part of the problem is the basic trauma of the kids being taken from their parents, then getting used to another home and family, and then going back to the parents.

At their ages - and remember they've spent over half of their lives not living with you - it's bound to cause trauma and distress. By all means, wait for the investigation to be completed. Until then there's really nothing you can do.

You didn't mention the actual signs of abuse, but be careful if you're not qualified to actually diagnose before you accuse anyone of doing anything. Best to be safe and let child services sort it out.
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