What Do You Do If The Father Is Not There

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New Member
As you know my son's father has primary physical custody. I have weekend visitation. I would like to know what to do I do when I return the child and the father is not there. I live in another State so if I take him with me it would be seen as kidnapping.

Thank you!
As you know my son's father has primary physical custody. I have weekend visitation. I would like to know what to do I do when I return the child and the father is not there. I live in another State so if I take him with me it would be seen as kidnapping.

Thank you!
This is the fifth thread you've started about the same situation. Believe it or not, we don't memorize the particulars of every poster's problems. So, when you continue to create new threads about the same situation, we have to go back and read your old threads in order to offer relevant help. It get very time-consuming, and IMO it's inconsiderate since you've already been asked two times to limit your new threads!

Also, I don't think you ever mentioned in any of your other threads that you live in another state. That's an important piece of information.

As for this question, call ahead of time to make sure he'll be there. If he's not there when you get there, wait.
Ok- again I apologize. Calling ahead will not necessarily work, as I believe his father is purposely looking to not be there. My son has called me three times this week asking to stay longer that the prearranged agreement. I have told him three times this can not happen as we have to abide by the order. None of this makes sense. His lawer filed a Motion to Modify the Court Order - stating that my son does not want to come with me and if he visit me he would run away. None of this makes sense on the one hand your saying HE said he will run away. On the other hand my son is saying he wants to stay longer. Something is not right. My concern is that his father will purposely not be there in an attempt to try to say that I violated the order.

Thank you & again I do apologize.
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