What do I have a basis for?

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New Member
I worked as a the head massage therapist for a company for a bit over a year. In that time, I had never received any disciplinary measures of any kind.

The day I was let go I was called in early and told I was being written up because there was $5 missing out of the drawer (I had been informed of the money missing a week prior due to a miscalculation in change given to a client and replaced the money out of my own pocket. I also am not the only employee in the drawers and there is no way to prove which employee used the register exactly when the money went missing). Immediately after signing the write up, I was informed i was being let go for theft.

I had been in the process of setting up my own private business, and I believe word got around some how and my employer was just trying to beat me to the punch.

I immediately began e-mailing my clients to inform them that I was relocating. My former employer never had me sign a non-compete agreement or any form specifying that I could not contact clients gained while under his employment. I had clients' e-mails because everytime someone made an appointment online, a third-party company would e-mail client information and appointment to my personal e-mail address--this was set up by the employer.

A few days ago, I received a voicemail from my the employer saying that I was fired for theft and that he had proof I had taken enough money to be charged for larcony and that if he hears of my contacting anymore of "his" clients he would be charging me with theft and sueing me. Again, I never received any disciplinary measures prior to the day i was let go, and that was due to $5 missing that i replaced with my own money.

Today, I found out from one of my clients that the employer is telling everyone I was fired for theft. I have been told by some that it is unlawful for an employer to divulge this information without a formal charge and conviction being carried out, but i'm not sure if that is true. I am concerned as to the effect this may have on my reputation and in starting my own business.

Basically, I know there are no grounds for technical wrongful termination, but I am hoping there is another type of suit for being fired under false pretenses or something of the like. I am also wondering if there are grounds for harassment and slander or defamation of character (or something along those lines).

Thank you!
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I think with regards to both your posts you are better off talking to a local attorney. Your situations are not simple and may need more help than a message board can provide.
Is there a specific type of lawyer which would suit my needs best? I've been looking at employment lawyers online, but they seem to mostly cover things like sexual harassment and other civil rights suits.
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