what do i do???

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New Member
I have been a single parent for eight years now. When i had her birth certificate done the first time i had no complaints as to how i filled out the papers. I recently had to apply for a new one but they sent it back saying i had not filled out the fathers info and that he is on the certificate he is not the father and i want him off he has never done anything for us and has spent more time in jail then he has worked help
If you originally listed him as the father you will have to jump through many legal hoops to have him removed, if at all.
If he isn't the father why would you have said he is?
Does he believe the child is his?
Ok so you intentionally named a man as Father who was not? Unless the real Father wants to take up the issue of paternity its unlikely you can change this. You cant just add and remove names based on your current feelings for the person
its been eight years almost nine and iwas young all i want on the birth certificate is me just me no one else ever i have raised her myself paid for everything myself so i dont see how hard it would be to get rid of him completely?
Hey, shrinkmaster, are you familiar with Canadian family law? Are you certain it's identical to that of US law?
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