What do I do?

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My daughters father made her sleep in the same bed as his girlfriends son over the weekend and sees nothing wrong with it. My daughter is 12, the girlfriends son is 10. It was totally innocent on the kids behalf, but I'm not comfortable with it at all. I was told if I do nothing, DCFS can be called in to investigate both homes. What can I legally do?
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Voice your complaint to Dad that if it happens again you will both report it to Family Services and take him back to court to modify visits
There is no guarantee DCFS will do anything either. I would say unlikely because neither child is being harmed or neglected. I agree it is not a good idea for this to happen and if DCFS does not do anything, you might file in family court to stop overnights until Dad gets the child their own bed. Once a child starts to get into theri teens it is not a good idea to have them share a bed with a non relative of the opposite sex.
Thank you let me expand on my reply. The suggestion was made not because I think Family services would take action but to motivate Dad into changing this. Its a bit of a bluff if your a poker player. Now court can take action. However the simple solution is for Mom and Dad to work this out on their own:yes:
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