what do i do 2 get visitation

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New Member
i have 2 amazing little boys. me and there mother have went through a bad break up, we havent signed any custody papers, and all i want is to be the one who watches my kids while she is at work and 2 have my weekend visits. (i would love 2 have full custody, but i know that, that is there mom and they need there mom n there life) i need legal help and advice!! please if any lawyer can give me, or should i say lead me in the rite direction i would welcome it!!! i pray that this msg. helps me. i cant imagine goin on with my life knowing that, i cant b there as a father 2 my sons!!!
thank you
Am I right is assuming there is no current court order? Are the children's legal Father having signed all required documents?
And is Mom the current primary caregiver (I don't mean financially - I mean on a day to day basis, she's the one taking care of the kids for the most part)?
So long as your own employment does not interfere with your wish to be with the kids when mom would otherwise have them in child care, there should not be much of a problem.
The non-custodial parent typically has first right of refusal.
It is up to you to make your wishes known. Don't agree to any custody order that doesn't maximize your time with your kids.
I've never known ROFR to be typically included anywhere - is this something common in KY?

(Did I just learn something? :D )
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