what are my options

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New Member
my brother was named executor of our mothers estate it has gone through probate and he has gotten money but refuses to pay my other brother and myself and says he is keeping our inheritance because he thinks we got more than him . doesnt he have to follow the will stating its to be split 3 ways . hate to have to take my own brother to court rock and ahardplace.
You betcha he has to follow the dictates in the deceased's will.

Hire a lawyer and take the crook to court, before he spends (or conceals) all of his ill-gotten loot!
The executor has a duty to fulfill the terms of a will

Since your brother, as executor, is not complying with the duties and terms set forth in your father's will, you need to petition the court that has jurisdiction over the Will (probate court in your county) and request your brother be removed as executor and be replaced by someone else. A will is a legal document and when it is validated by a judge, the executor is legally bound to comply.
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