Wal-Mart ways of termination

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New Member
I am an assistant manager of Wal-Mart and I am being forced out, or so it seems. My store manager nit picks at everything I am supposed to do. One day grocery is the most important thing to do since it drives the buisiness. The very next day grocery looks great but now the freight on the general merchandise side of the store isnt complete. I have asked other assistants that I work with and they say they have never seen her nit pick at another manager like she does with me. My over night associates say that no other manager has ever gotten everything done like she wants yet they are still there. I get the job done and the store looks great but then one thing is out of place and its a write up. I have been in retail for 15 years and have never felt like i was unwanted and treated this way. Is this a case of morality or this this illegal. I am on my final write up and my next one is termination. Even when I am short employees and loaded with more than usual freight she expects the same performance. I am coming home a nervous wreck. I am constantly stressed and I cant sleep half the time. Its getting to the point where i cant go to work without fear of loosing my job and I cant get anything done right even when I get everything done.I welcome any advise or information available even if its a mute point since so few people want to fight wal-mart. Thank you
Unless you are being subjected to this treatment because of a characteristic protected by law (race, religion, national origin etc.) this falls into the category of possibly unfair but not illegal.
I have worked at this company before and yes this is the path they take when they want to get rid of someone. Your health is more important than a job and being a walmart worker looks great on a resume. Get out there and get a job you love!
Its wal-mart they are some bad actors look for a new job.
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