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New Member
The restaurant that I have been working for over a year now announced that they will be closing in a little over three weeks. After hearing this knews I secured employment at a different restaurant to start the day after my current employer is schedualed to close. When my boss found out where I was going to be working next he fired me. Stated that he did not want any of his customers to know where I was going because they would follow me and he did not want that. My new position is not available for another two weeks leaving me unemployed until that time. I have talked to my future employer and they are going to try to help me out by letting me start a week earlier then our original agreement but I will not have all of my hour avalible to me right away. Other then being a morally wrong thing to do was it illegal? I am pretty sure they could have layed me off because they were closing and gotten ride of my position all together but they are having other employes come in and cover my shifts. I was the only staff on Monday thru Friday open until 5pm. I was the only person to work any of those shift for over a year.
In at-will employment, you can be terminated at any time for any reason except a reason prohibited by law (ie age, religion, gender....) or unless you have a binding employment contract contrary to your termination. (neither seem to apply here) What your employer did was legal.

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