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New Member
My girlfriend and I resently split and not a good one we have a 6 month old daughter. I pay for her medical out of my paycheck and copays and also put money monthly into a joint account for the mom to have access to purchase things for our daughter for the mom does not work her parents pay for everything. We lived together but right before the birth of our daughter her parents wanted us to move in with them so we did. Well it didn't work so she asked me to move out and we split. Now I have tried to contact her to see my daughter and she will not return mine or my mothers request to see my daughter. I only have one day off during the week and one day off on the weekend.
Please help What can I do.:confused: :mad:
You need to file a visitation ordr with the courts. Call around for an attorney for help, or you might want to google some fathers rights groups in your area. You can even go down to the courts yourself and file. Has paternity been established? Without a court order for visits mom does not have to allow you to visit unfortunately,. In the meantime, document everything and go down to the courthouse and file the paperwork. Most courts have a law library or a family coutt fascilitator to help you.
You also need to document every dime you provide for your child. Make sure the account is in the mother's name and make sure you keep the deposit receipts. It would probably be better for you to give her payments by check and state for child support on the "for" line.
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