verbal contract in divorce and limitations

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New Member
I was recently divorced in washington state and i had a verbal agreement with my ex regarding my pets. i can't seem to get her to give them to me and was wondering if i have a case and is there any statue of limitations regarding this or any other situation i might have with her or am i out of luck on both commitments as the decree has been filed and signed? do i have any recourse with her at all?
Unfortunately, verbal agreements aren't binding. Were the pets awarded to her in the divorce? If so, you're probably out of luck.
nothing was put into writing on the decree. can i still go after her for them or is that it? would a lawyer be of any help or would i be wasting my money and time?
I'm really not sure.

If your divorce decree included a division of property and the pets were not listed, then I don't think you can go back and ask for a modification so they can be included. If the pets were yours alone and you can prove it, then I suppose you could try small claims court.

Maybe you can negotiate a sale with your ex if the pets are important to you. That might be the easiest and cheapest way to go.
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