verbal agreements re: bonuses

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New Member
I work at a small software company in Portland, Oregon. A few months ago I agreed to accept a Lead position on an engineering project after making a verbal agreement with my manager that I would receive a bonus of 10% of my salary upon completion. I (verbally) made it clear that I was unwilling to take the position for less. Now several months into the project he says upper management did not approve the 10% and that I will be getting less. Is this legal? He has done this to others in the past -- it seems to be his strategy to convince people to agree to be project leads, which involves a much greater workload, without a salary increase.
Thanks, in advance, for your advice.
This isn't a question of whether it's legal or illegal. The question is whether any promises made to you by the manager constituted a binding oral contract. That's not something anyone here can answer as it depends upon exactly what was said. If it does, you could have the basis of a civil action for detrimental reliance.

Since all that will be expensive to pursue (and since your employer will certainly be less than thrilled to be sued by you), my suggestion is that you try and resolve this internally. I suggest you speak directly to your boss's boss, the general manager/president, or the head of HR - whomever it seems most appropriate to discuss this with. Your boss is not a straight shooter and can't be trusted. For all you know, he never even discussed the bonus he promised you with anyone more senior to him. They may not know a thing about this and he could be lying when he tells you they won't approve it.

If that fails, then I suggest you update your resume and parlay your recent leadership experience into a better job elsewhere. Good luck.
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