Use of Software-Generated Music

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New Member
I seek a legal opinion on the use of software-generated music, using Sony Cinescore, as background music for original narrated recordings.

The published Sony Licensing Agreement features the following statement: "You are free to use the Content Offering in your own original compositions without restriction. Neither the Content Offering nor any portion thereof may be resold or redistributed as loops, music beds, clips, visuals and/or graphic images except as otherwise integrated into your own works."

This would seem to say that I may offer my narrated recordings -- with background music generated with Sony Cinescore -- for sale without restriction or fees to Sony.

Within the Sony Cinescore "User Forum," this same question is asked, but Sony provides no official response ... and the conservative recommendation among users is to seek a legal opinion from a Rights Attorney. I'd appreciate any such assistance.
No attorney here is going to offer an official and binding legal opinion to you ... plus, there would be no way for you to truly know if anyone who posted the opinion was actually an attorney.

If you want a true legal opinion, you will have to pay an attorney for one unless you are comfortable risking thousands of dollars on an internet opinion by anonymous parties.

- Carl
I wasn't really expecting a binding opinion, but I thought these posts were actually answered by attorneys experienced with these matters, who could offer an informed opinion or provide some guidance.
Some are, but most licensed, practicing attorneys are not going to render a true legal opinion here. They might give some idea of what you face, and even some direction for future research, but you are not likely to get a decisive reply. Please note the disclaimer at the bottom of the page:

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Nothing you read on The Law forums should be considered a substitute for professional assistance, including legal advice. The only legal advice you should accept is from a licensed legal professional with whom you have an attorney-client relationship. The Law Forums are intended to empower the average person with the benefit of the shared experiences of other consumers who have faced similar legal issues. Many of the posters are volunteers who may not have any legal training. The law may also vary in different states and jurisdictions from what you read here. All information and advice made available here is on an "AS-IS" basis. The Law Network, LLC does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any material you read here, including the qualifications or titles of any person posting.​

Good luck! And hopefully someone will be along to give you some better direction.

- Carl
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