Use of Name, signature and Image

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New Member
I resigned from a highly visible Executive position. I learned that 30 days after my last date of employment and compensation, my former employer was publically using my image, personal signature and former title. I sent an email asking them to please stop. There was no response, but my information was taken off of their public web-site. 60 days later I learned that they were using my name, personal signature and title on invoices and letters. I asked them again to stop. I recieved an email from their COO that all references to me would be stopped. 30 days later (90 days past my date of exit) I learned that my signature, former Title representing my former employer was still being used. This time I sent them an invoice for 90 days of my time. their attorney responded telling me that any further contact would result in a harrassment charge? I need guidance here.
ok...I'm new at this. Did I do something wrong? All posted questions are being responded to with the exception of this one. I did make a newbie error by posting the same question twice.... Can I get a pass on that? I promise to be your best know, call me when you need a ride to the airport....I'll help you pack the next time you move... I have two kidneys that mostly work if you ever need one...
No one peruses these folders full time ... and people who have little or nothing to offer in this area - a very specific and narrow legal area, I might add - are not likely to post just for the sake of posting.

No, I have no specific info for you, but thought I'd ask you to just hold your horses - someone with the requisite knowledge may have something for you eventually.

- Carl
Since you require an answer, I'll provide the best one I can.

I do not know the answer to your question.
Look, I don't mean it to be rude, but the fact of the matter is, not everyone who logs on is going to know the answer to every question. This is not Time Warner; operators are not standing by 24/7 to answer your call. We answer the questions we can, when we can. It's not a first-come-first-served; your question is not necessarily answered in the order it was received.

When and if someone comes along who knows the answer, they will provide it. Until then, please realize that this is a volunteer board and we can only do the best we can.
I do my friend. I am appreciative of the time folks invest. My tone was not meant to be critical. I thought that perhaps I had done something in error. Please accept my apologies if I came across negatively.
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