Use of a Friend's Facebook Pictures on AnonIB

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New Member
Firstly, I will admit that I am proud of what I did or trying to defend them. I did this while I was drunk.
I took 6 pictures that a girl posted on Facebook and posted them on These are pictures that she uploaded herself. No one responded to the post. I have also since tried to get the pictures removed, but this is proving more difficult than expected. She had some of the pictures removed but not all of them since they are located in a different topic. She has since stated that she is going to the local police as well as planning on taking legal action. I am all for the pictures being removed from the site.
What is the legality of taking pictures off of Facebook and posting them on a site like the previously mentioned site?
Does a website that isn't located in the US have to give the IP address of the poster?
What possible cases could she have against me and do they have any merit?

Thank you in advance for your help with this question.
Anything posted online to the public is open to that risk. She took the implied risk when she posted the images for the public to see. There is no copyright on social network material so there would be no infringement laws broken, and I believe the network privacy policy should state that users put their information public at their OWN risk. This would mean that there should not be any criminal charges possible. That being said, if the pics were used in a derogatory way, or in a way that humiliated her, slandered her, or defamed her in any way, she does have the option of a personal suit and could take you to court herself for personal damages which would be a financial penalty. I hope that helps.
All stupid actions don't necessarily become criminal acts.

Some stupid actions do become criminal acts.

Do only those things you'd want others to do to you.

That will keep you out of trouble.
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