Ups cod

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New Member
Hello, I`m new to this forum, I would like to ask, what should I do,
I just got one parcel delivered by UPS with COD, but never asked for any money. Today someone phoned me from UPS that they got a parcel for me with cod, I asked them to phone at 4 because I was bussy and they turned to my parrents house and asking them for those money, my mum told them, that I told lady on phone to phone me at 4 and the driver was arogant and said, that I said, Im gonna be there at 4. I know, its just they`re mistake and they should not give COD without money, so honnestly Im thinking to dont pay them anything, to stop them being arogant to my family and learn on theyre mistakes... And no appologies what so ever, btw its just about $200...
Come on, you got the goods, didn't you? Sure, you can get away with this one, but UPS will probably never deliver to your residence again (or your mother's). Is that worth it? And, as you said, it is a small amount, isn't it? And, then there's KARMA. KARMA repays in far worse ways than what you received. Pay the people and free yourself. Now, go do the right thing! No lawyer will ever advise you to break the law. We live by our ethics and are officers of the court.
Well youre right, at the end of the day Im gonna pay them, but they made mistake and theres no right for them to treat customers like this, like it`s my fault... I just wanted to do something to open they`re eyes and to understand, that customer should be on first place (not always right) :)
You will end up paying them anyway once they figure it out and decide to pursue it. If you are unhappy with the service then go through the proper channels to make your complaint. Withholding payment will only cause problems for you.
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