unwed father wants his daughter

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New Member
my story:
I have a daughter, she is 16 months old. The mother and I broke up about 8 months ago, she was living with my parents and I. All of us supported her for a year. After the break up, she moved back to her parents home. Every Friday for the last 8 months, my parents and I have had "visitation." I have been providing for the child. This pasted Friday, the mother of my child called and said my daughter would be late... We waited and waited... No contact until tonight. She called to tell me that I would never see my daughter again, she had moved out. She was previously living in an unfit, unhealthy, crowded environment. The mother has been using the money I give as means of support for my daughter to her own benefit and telling her family that I have not been supporting my daughters financial needs. There has been no custody papers filed, yet. I am so overwhelmed and upset that I do not know what to do. I am only 21 years old, but I love my daughter... Advice???
... or call the police. You will want to give them full information and disclosure. You do have rights... although you will likely and eventually end up in court. This might be the only way to guarantee that all of you show up.
Well, I have located her and my daughter. She is now living with her ex boyfriend and his family and claiming that he is the childs father. They are doing a paternity test and I am unpatiently waiting for the results to decide what steps to take next.
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