Unsupervised 13 year old who lives with dad and is alone all afternoons and night.

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Oregon

My 13 year old grandson is living with his dad, by his choice, although mom has full custody. He wants to live with dad as he runs the streets all afternoon and evenings as no one is at home to supervise. Dad checks up by phone. Apparently he missed a lot of school last year , and this summer has been smoking pot and is definately headed for trouble. His mom wants to move him back home where she can keep tabs on him, get him back in to sports, band, and know what is going on. Of course he does not want to move back in as that would stop what he is doing. He is afraid of his dad, plus the fact he does not want to hurt his feelings. His dad is going to be furious at mom, and we want to know how the move can happen that will have the least impact on all parties, but give my grandson the supervision he needs. My grandson's dad was supposed to look for a day job and that has not happened, nor will it. He also does not know what is going on, but luckily my grandson talks to my daughter, and admits that he would not pass a drug test, which I suggested she do for proof. Mom and dad live about 25 miles apart. We want the best for my grandson and mom has the best control of the 13 year old at this time.
What is keeping mom from picking up the child? If she has legal custody, she goes over there and picks the boy up.
She needs to go and pick up her son. If she has full custody, she just goes there to get him. If she gets there and is refused, she needs to call police and have them file a report. Then she needs to go to court and file for contempt. If she allows this to continue, dad will have status quo. Was son moved to another school, or are both homes in the same school district? If dad changed schools without moms permission she has another reason to file for contempt. She did not agree to the change in school. Does she have shared physical custody? If so then he is in contempt if he does not allow her to pick up son and bring him home and if school was changed that is against dad too. She needs to get this nipped in the bud asap. Is it a court order that he find a day job?
Absolutely, what they said. And if the child won't listen involve the Juvenile Court as he is an unruly child. They will help get some teeth into this matter without hurting the kid.
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