unsecured load

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New Member
Hello, while driving around the 9500 block of the beltway 8 my load shifted and a car behide me was damaged. Both parties traded info for the other car to be fixxed. Melanie mccormack was so worried to not be messed around getting her car fixxed she called the Police & there in I got a unsecered load ticket. Question can i fight this ticket and win ??? an insurance company report filed by Melanie Mccormack
Douglas Earl Hagerman cell# 713-385-4721
Thank you
Of course you can defend against the citation. You are innocent until proven guilty.

However, if the facts are are you report, I don't see a very good defense. Parts of your load damaged her vehicle. That is prima facie proof that your load wasn't secured properly.

That said, plead not guilty and defend yourself. Or, hire a lawyer to do it for you. It might be possible to get a lesser offense or even beat it.
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