Unpaid hospital bills

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New Member
I recently miscarried a baby by ectopic pregnancy, and have hospital expenses of about $3000.00. There were many complications and no DNA tests were performed to my knowledge. The father, is of course disputing that he fathered this child and refuses to help with the resulting expenses.

My question is: Can I sue him for at least half of the expenses without proof he fathered the child, and if so, what are my chances of gaining a judgment in my favor?

Any advice that can be offered would be greatly appreciated.
You would need to prove to the court two things. First, that he is the biological father. Without any proof whatsoever that he is the father, it's your word against his. Second, that a biological father is liable for some portion of the expenses related to miscarriage. I'm not sure, legally, that is true. I think you would have an uphill battle.
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