unjust decision by the small claim court

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New Member
I am so distressed by the small claim court decision against me as I had no idea that it could happen. I had a really bad contractor who got $3,000 advance for $4,900 job for the outside of the house under remodeling. While it was supposed to be a two-week job, he hasn't done much until I fired him after 7 frustrating weeks to hire someone else to finish the job. He refused to return any part of advance claiming conveniently that he did work worth exactly $3,000 when even his own completed work list did cover less than 6 items of original 17 he promised. He requested advance for material purchase, but did not buy anything until the end.

I consulted with a lawyer and heard that it was a simple case. All the people I talked to including a contractor told me that I had nothing to worry as it was a clear case of rip-off. I had all the documents showing what happened and numbers. Still, I lost!

The written decision doesn't explain anything except that the court reviewed the evidence and testimony, but I really cannot believe that the judge failed to see the obvious fact anyone with common sense can see. The contractor brought up a lame excuse at the court that he couldn't do his job as he could not turn on the water. I didn't imagine that anyone would buy that lie as most work had nothing to do with water, of course he knew how to turn on the main valve and he had never made an issue out of it until he got fired.

The fact that it was a small town and the defendants seemed to show off that they know everyone at the court bothers me even though I have to have a faith in the system. It's beyond my comprehension that the court condones and rather encourages such unethical business practice. While the decision is too unfair and unjust, appealing seems complicated, if not possible, in Indiana. I claimed for $1,100 to cover the extra cost I had to pay to the new contractor and wouldn't care recovering it as long as I can prove that I was wronged.

Where and how can I find justice?

Jackie Lee
Get a lawyer,and appeal it.
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