union/company violate contract

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New Member
The company I work for is on 'short time' and according to our union contract the most senior employees have the choice to work or not, I said I want to work and the company told me I couldn't because I am married to the supervisor of the only area that has work. In the contract it says no less senior employee can work if a more senior wants to, it says nothing about who you are married to, the company said it has an 'unwritten' rule about it, I told them they were going against the union contract, they said they know it and don't care, they also said they had made a deal with union to keep me out of that dept. Do I have a case against the company or the union or both.
Sounds to me like you can go after the union for their "unwritten rules." If it's unwritten, it isn't a rule, just a manner in which people are conducting themselves and which seems contrary to the written rules. Your problem may be with the union although in any lawsuit usually everyone gets sued and the chips fall where they may.
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