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New Member
We did a repair service for a customer in which the signed our invoice to confirm repairs were complete. Then they turned around and put a stop payment on the check. What dou you suggest small claims or collections?

Have you called the customer to ask why they stopped the check? Are there any issues regarding the service provided that need to be resolved before you go to small claims court and file a suit against the customer? Make sure you have done everything to resolve the issue before you sue them for non payment otherwise, you will have a hard time winning your case. Hope this helps!
Then send them an email as well as a certified letter asking them to contact you to resolve any pending issues. If still no response from them, then you can prove to the courts that you exhausted all avenues trying to find out if any issues and since no responses, you then had to end up taking them to small claims court to recover the money for your services.
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