unfair overtime payment

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New Member
Good day Legal advisers please help me to understand this, I'm required by law to work 45 hours per week and I'm a permanent employee of my company I get 2 week days off and 2 Sundays off per month which means that I get 4 days off per month, but I believe that I've been over worked and my employer fails to understand my problem and I occasionally told that I should look for another job, please advice and that is not only affecting me alone but everyone that works with me and most of other employees have been fired already!
Good day Legal advisers please help me to understand this, I'm required by law to work 45 hours per week and I'm a permanent employee of my company I get 2 week days off and 2 Sundays off per month which means that I get 4 days off per month, but I believe that I've been over worked and my employer fails to understand my problem and I occasionally told that I should look for another job, please advice and that is not only affecting me alone but everyone that works with me and most of other employees have been fired already!

Sounds about right for an African nation. We are a US based law forum. We know very little about African law, other than a few general constructs. You an always speak with a lawyer I your country.
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