unethecal relative

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New Member
Step-mother passed away fall of 2009. Father had passed 2005. Both said that a will existed dividing estate between the six children (4 his and 2 hers). Step-brother was supposed to execute will due to being only heir living in the state. Shortly before her death, Step-mother had put all of estate funds in a money market account planning to buy a new house. Step-brother had been listed on account to help in paying bills. Step-brother now claims no will exists and he owns all moneys in account as he claims to be listed as a co-owner. Several relatives and friends will testify that he was supposed to have access to money market for convenience to her and not for sole ownership upon death. One friend indicates that Step-mother had made appointment to add another relative to account but had to cancel due to deeping illness. Estate has not been probated as step-brother claims no need due to fact that money-market funds are not part of estate and houses passed on as deeded.
Question: Can relatives' and friends' testamony that step-mother's expressed intentions that step-brother was added to account only for her convenience overrule co-ownership and therefore sole ownership of money market funds by step-brother?
Probably not, but you can give it a shot.

Speak with a local probate attorney and see what he/she has to say.

The initial consult is generally free, and some attorneys will take a case like this on contingency.
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