Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Underage, rights

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New Member
When I received my underage I was picked up by the campus police, handcuffed and taken to their "station" on campus. When they put me in the vehicle, I was not read my rights and I was wondering if i could use this against them in court to possibly get out of my underage?
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Shoot. . . wish I could edit.

How old are you?

By underage, do you mean Minor in Possession?

If you are under 18 laws may vary in regards to their need to talk with your parents or guardians first in certain circumstances.
When I received my underage I was picked up by the campus police, handcuffed and taken to their "station" on campus. When they put me in the vehicle, I was not read my rights and I was wondering if i could use this against them in court to possibly get out of my underage?

Miranda is a federal thing and only applies to interrogations made after the arrest. If they interviewed you at the station without reading you your Miranda rights, then any admissions you made at the station can be suppressed at trial. However, I doubt they need to use anything they got from you later as they likely found you in possession and underage.

- Carl
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