Uncashed Check

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New Member
I worked for a High School District since August 2003 until May 2007 in Avondale, Arizona. Yesterday I was going through many of my papers and found a live payroll check from the school district. The check is dated from 10/05/06 and it says that it "is voided after 365 days". I contacted human resources to see if they could reissue me another check and they said that there was nothing they could do since the check was already voided and I no longer worked for the district. Like I explained to them, I had no clue that I had this check or else I would of cashed it. I was wondering if there is anything I can do to get that money. It is money I worked for and money that the district will report on their taxes but I just never cashed the check. Please advice me on what I can do. Just wondering if the school district has the right to refuse me on reissuing the check. Thanks so much for your help.
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