Trying to protect daughter from deadbeat mom

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When my daughter was a little over a year old her mother took off with her and bounced around from place to place living in hotels, in shelters, with boyfriends, and sometimes on the street, doing drugs until she ended up in prison recently for repeated grand thefts and violating probation. She kept her from me for over two years and now she is 4 years old and has been living with me for just over 8 months. Now that I have her in my care I am finding out all of the trauma that her mother put her through. When she first came to my home she was starving, and traumatized. She has been neglected and subjected horrible things. Now that her mother is in prison, what steps can I take to file for full custody and make sure that her mother can never harm her again? Paternity is established but I am not on the birth certificate.

If the mother is in prison will there be a court hearing?
If so, will I have to travel to the county where the mother is?
Will my daughter have to attend?
Can the court terminate her parental rights?

I also have evidence to press charges for child abuse/neglect/child endangerment, how would I go about starting that case?

Should I start an abuse case first or custody?

I need to make sure that this woman can never harm my daughter again, can you please help me?
Get an Attorney but this shouldnt be difficult. Far as TPR that isnt likely going to happen. When your in court request supervised visits only! There is plenty there based on your post to justify this
Will I have to go to the county where the mother is when we go to court?

What are the chances that they would deny the mother any visitation? Does this ever happen?
I am guessing so ask your Lawyer the county the child resides in. Far as no tletting Mom see the child its possible for a time period while she attempts to right her life but dont count on that or it lasting.
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