too much drama

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hi.. i initially was named executrix of my father's will in 93.. fast forward to now.. family causing was too much drama... a will was done for my mother without my knowledge.. she and i share her house right of survivorship... due to much stress from my family i want to put it in just her name and pray no one takes advantage of her...i also want to remove myself as power of attorney... i did another will for her to make sure my sister was on there... all of this is over money and i'm tired of it... i've had breakdowns and everything over this mess... my uncle even tried to have me committed and i was fine.. they are after her money... as i said i only want what's best for her as my dad did.. i want to do a quick about face... what can i do... please help... i wanna do what's right and fair as my sister lost her house and i feel bad about it that i share this house with my mother... thanks for your time
I don't understand what your stress is. You can stop acting as power of attorney by stopping acting. You can't be compelled to act. And your father's estate should be wrapped up by now, so you shouldn't have ongoing executor responsibilities.

Without knowing a lot more of the details, it is impossible to understand your situation. You want to stop acting as executor of your father's will, or stop acting as power of attorney for your mother, or both? How is putting your house just in her name going to protect her from people who are after her money? Sounds like a recipe for disaster, frankly. What does your sister losing her house have to do with this?
well the house is in my mother and my sister is mad about it... my family is mad at me for this.. and yes this is stressful because i wanted to follow my father's wishes which was to take care of my mother.. yes i want to stop being poa... they all want her money... they want the house.. there's nothing left with my father's estate.. that's over and done with.. but i do worry about my mother being taken advantage of mother has a new will with me as i said it's all about money with my family... if i step away now, there is no telling what they will do.. they tried to get her to sign some paper for something but wouldn't tell her what it was.. they did a will but didnt give her a copy of it and then the atty that drew it up lied and said she didn't do one for her.. it's very deep
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It appears to me that, if you want to look after your mother properly, you can't step away. Apart from that, I have no good advice to give. I don't know how deep this is, but it's certainly very vague. It's impossible to assess your situation without knowing the specifics of what's going on. I can't even tell if you're talking about one will or two - the new one with you as the executrix, and one where she didn't get a copy of it and you say the attorney lied. All I can say is I would encourage you to talk to a local attorney.
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