Tired of Abusive Wife

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New Member
My wife's temper tantrums have gradually gotten more and more violent. In her bad fits she will hit me repeatedly and sometimes make a public spectacle of herself. It doesn't hurt, its just embarassing and not a good long term family situation. She tells me it is my fault, if I wouldn't make her so mad she wouldn't have to act like that. I am really getting tired of it. My question to the group is what would happen legally if I call her bluff on leaving or just ask her to move back to her parents?

What could she get from me in a settlement? We have owned a house for 10 months, I owned my truck and a rental property before we were married. My salary is roughly twice hers but she has a college degree and has the ability to make more. Most of the furniture in our house is hers, except for a few pieces my grandpa made. She threw away all of my stuff. We have no kids. What could she get from me in a settlement in North Carolina? Can she get at my 401k?

She has threatened to find a job and move back to Kentucky whether I decide to go or not. What if she does this? Is this abandonment? How would that effect a settlement? One of her frequent temper tantrums is that I am mean for making her live so far from her family.

I have asked her to see a doctor about her temper tantrums. So far she has refused but if I get her to go, would it effect a settlement if she is found to be bipolar?
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