Timely Filing

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New Member
Can anyone tell me how soon papers are to be filed pertaining to a court order?
I went to court on the 6th of May and the judge gave her ruling, I found out yesterday that the judge hasn't signed any order as of yet due to nothing being filed after her ruling.
Isn't there a time limit for my attorney to file the proper paperwork? It has already been over 3 weeks.
Would it be possible to have the judges ruling enforced even though the papers haven't been signed?
Please help, I am getting desperate for this entire fiasco to be done with.
Does anybody in this forum know about this?

As stated in my last post, I found out today that my attorney has yet to file anything with the court, supposedly because he helps on a first come, first served basis, they just haven't gotten to my file yet to draw it up.
The problem is this, my ex still does anything he wants to do and there is nothing i can do about it since nothing has been filed. He should have been hit with over 20 contempt charges since the court date ended.
Once my attorney draws up the papers, he will be sending them to my ex's attorney for review! Is this right? The Judge made an order, and now it seems to be open for negotiation and interpretation as the attorneys see fit.
Is there a time limit for my attorney to file the documentation with the court?
Please!! If anyone can help me!! Please!
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