Threats to "sign off parental righrs"

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Im a single mother of a wounderful son caleb,he was born 12-01-06. His father, Robert is semi in the picture. I say "semi" because it is ONLY when it is convient for him. He now hasnt came to see him for a month as of monday. We set mondays up because it was when it was convient for him and it worked with his work schedual. I have always been available and able to change the date, if he requested. After not hearing from him for a month, I called, I got a threat that he is going to have me 'sign' something- soon told me so he can sign off his rights to caleb. I stated I would not ever agree to such a thing. The only reason why he is wanting todo such a thing is because of the burden of childsupport and carring the insurance for caleb (both ordered by the court- state of Iowa).

Is he able todo such a thing without my concent? Would this null and void the childsupport order. He did sign a paternity papers in the hospital, so he waved the test. He is NOT an unfit father. He isnt into anything bad, just young and stupid (21 years old) wants to party and work 24/7, and a child doenst fit into this life style.

Anything would be splended!
Thank you!
he cant stop supporting his son


Im a single mother of a wounderful son caleb,he was born 12-01-06. His father, Robert is semi in the picture. I say "semi" because it is ONLY when it is convient for him. He now hasnt came to see him for a month as of monday. We set mondays up because it was when it was convient for him and it worked with his work schedual. I have always been available and able to change the date, if he requested. After not hearing from him for a month, I called, I got a threat that he is going to have me 'sign' something- soon told me so he can sign off his rights to caleb. I stated I would not ever agree to such a thing. The only reason why he is wanting todo such a thing is because of the burden of childsupport and carring the insurance for caleb (both ordered by the court- state of Iowa).

Is he able todo such a thing without my concent? Would this null and void the childsupport order. He did sign a paternity papers in the hospital, so he waved the test. He is NOT an unfit father. He isnt into anything bad, just young and stupid (21 years old) wants to party and work 24/7, and a child doenst fit into this life style.

Anything would be splended!
Thank you!
no he cant sign off his rights to get out of supporting his child. the only way he can terminate his rights is if you have a husband willing to adopt your son. id tell him if he didnt want the burden of supporting a child, then he shouldnt have gotten you pregnant. untill your son is adopted by your husband or he turns 18, whichever comes first, he is on the hook for support wether he wants to be or not. sounds like this guy needs to grow up
I don't think that he can do in a similar situation and I have been doing a lot of reading up on this kind of stuff and the only way that the babies father can give up parental rights is if u get married and your new husband wants to adopt the baby(something of that sort) but the courts assert that a child have two parents, not just one
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