Threatening a child



So a few days ago I hit a boy. I did apologize but oddly did not get suspended. After this he was blowing up my phone saying hurtful things and threatening me saying he wants to see my head bashed in and he wants to see me hurt bad. Remind you this is 1 hit, not even that hard but a hit regardless. Anyways On that day his older sister sent a message in my Instagram DM's threatening me saying "Umm excuse me you slapped my brother today?" and then " You better watch where you put your hands cause I don't wanna have to come over there an show you where ya hands souppose to be" I didn't see it until 2 days after were she somehow got into my private page and asked if I had seen it. she is a full adult and I am a minor. I'm 16 and i know she either 18 or much older. I also have plenty of screenshots of threats that he has sent to me. Is there anything I can do in this situation? Please help. Thanks (I do realize that I might have consequences as well)
Yes, you start by TELLING EVERYTHING to mom, dad, or your guardian.
It "might" be an idle threat with no action taken but you best talk to your parents.