The Removal of Minority Disabilities

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New Member
I need more information or guidance if it is available. If not, thank you for reading.

My name is Jessie, and I'm 17 years old. I dont turn 18 until this summer. I moved out of my parents home a few months ago, and now I rent a room from my loval AVON lady. I have been working at TACO BELL for 6 months now, and I make about 700$ a month. I pay my rent, my car insurance, my cell phone, my health insurance, and any of my other needs. My parents pay nothing for me. They also have no intention of helping me go to college. I have a 4.2 GPA. I WANT to go to college more than anything. Also, I pay over half of my income just to rent this room. I really need my income to be my own. I wish I could sign a legal contract, such as a lease, so I could live in an income-based apartment, and pay less for rent. Also, I can apply for grants and scholorships based on income, that way I get most of my tuition paid for. I dont want to have to drop out of college because I cant afford it. Most good scholorships only exist if your are currently attending high school, that way you attend college the following fall semester. If I wait until I'm 18 to consider my income my own, then I wont get half of the scholorships I can get now. Also, all the money I have is used to survive. I have no savings at ALL. If I could get one of those apartments, and maybe apply for some welfare, I might be able to set up a small savings account in case I cant get all my tuition paid for. Or, God forbid, any emergency comes up.
I work almost full time at TACO BELL, and I attend school everyday. I really could use this help. If anyone can help me, please contact me. I live Texas, so there technically isnt an "emancipation law" there is the "Removal of Minority Disabilities". I know some, but very little in the scheme of things. I really just need someone who knows what to do, to show me how. Time is running out, and any help I might get through college is limited. The financial strain is very rough.
Any Texas Lawyer (or anyone who just knows) who is interested in helping me, please email me at

Thank you so very much for any assistance at all.
Hm, I think your ambition to go to college is very commendable. Sadly I don't know anything about Texas law, so I cannot help you here. But have you talked to a college guidance counselor or someone in your college's financial aid department already? May be they have ideas how to help.
I have been told many times that the only way out of my situation is to get married for legally get my disabilities removed. I have my own personal reasons for why I cant just live at my parents house, but if that was an option, I would take it in an instant. The road I am right now, is just going to leave me in debt, without college, and all alone. These things do not appeal to me. Any school personel is out of the question because when I moved out of my parents home, and in with this lady, I have no proof of residency. The school can kick me out. I am not willing to take that chance while I am so close to graduation. Although, I havent spoken to college counselors. I have work off today, so I guess I'll go down to the community college and ask.

If anyone can help, someone always feel free to email me at

Thank You.
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