Termination after 18years

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New Member
I had worked for a major retail company for 18 years. I had complained to a manager about behavior my imediate supervisor had done. One month later I was given a write up for things that were approved if not by my immediate supervisor by other managers on duty. When I was given this write up they tried to intimidate me by saying I was supposed to be fired but they put their jobs on the line for me. They ask me to sign then did not give me a copy. After that I tried to talk to the Store Manager twice about how I was being treated by my immediate supervisor and the schedule she was making me work also how I was now not getting the information I needed to get my job done on time. I had talked to other Managers in the store and they had seen this negative behavior towards me. The one manager said to call the help line which I did. I received a call from someone higher up in the company not very happy to help. That person saided they would investigate and call me back that did not happen but the Store Manager said now he would have to investigate. One week later I was fired. What I was fired for was attendance insubordination and failing to act with integrity. First company policy says on attendance you should have points in file to be termed which I do not have. All the schedule changes I had where approved by manager on duty. They had me change my schedule numerous times to help in different areas because of all my years of service. My file before the write up was an outstanding associate. Even in reviews it was noted I would change my schedule for whhatever the company needed me to do. Also on the termination paperwork they did not have the proper signatures to even term my employment. Now I filed a claim with the EEOC. They have down as retaliation. I was scheduled for a mediation meeting and the company says they did no wrong doing. My questions are How can I be treated different then any other associate. Why am I the only person not allowed to talk to the manager on duty. Why do I have to find my superviosr when over half the time she can not be found. Policy says manager on duty can approve. Do I wait for the EEOC to finish their invesgation. Is it their responsibility to get my file, get the witness information. Because I was told that mediation is the very beginning process and that the EEOC has not investagted what I sent them till we can't agree on anymore mediation is this true? Also who in the world came up with this at will employment? How do long term associates who have given a company 150% daily fight back? Why can you be termed for no reason? Is this fair to the middle class trying to do the right thing?
How can I be treated different then any other associate. Unless you are being treated differently BECAUSE OF a characteristic protected by law, you can be treated differently than any other associate because no law says you can't be.

Why am I the only person not allowed to talk to the manager on duty. There is no possible way for us to know the answer to this as we are not inside your employer's head.

Why do I have to find my superviosr when over half the time she can not be found.
Same answer as above - we have no way of knowing.

Do I wait for the EEOC to finish their invesgation. That's entirely up to you.

Is it their responsibility to get my file, get the witness information. If by "they" you mean the EEOC, yes, it is their responsibility to investigate your complaint.

Because I was told that mediation is the very beginning process and that the EEOC has not investagted what I sent them till we can't agree on anymore mediation is this true? Who told you this?

Also who in the world came up with this at will employment? It's been a part of the law for a long, long time.

How do long term associates who have given a company 150% daily fight back? I hope you don't expect an answer to this.

Why can you be termed for no reason?
Because no law says otherwise.

Is this fair to the middle class trying to do the right thing? Maybe no, but unfair is not illegal.
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