Temporary Guardianship

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New Member
My best friend had a baby when she was only 16. Her and the father decided it was best for the baby to live with the grandparent (the father's mother), and signed over temporary guardianship. She is now 23 years old and has a steady job and wants custody of her son back. However, the grandparent will not return custody. She continues to act as if she is going to give it up, but then always goes back on it. And most recently she told my friend that she was going to give her a two-month trial period with the boy and see how things went, but just yesterday after less than a week, the grandparent took the boy out of daycare and took him several hours away. She called to say that he decided he wanted to live with her and not his mother, but the daycare owner was a witness that she took the child kicking and screaming that he wanted to stay with his mom. Please tell me that there is something she can do to get her son back. This is a terrible environment he is being brought up in.
Your friend will need an attorney in order to get custody of her son if the grandmother has court-ordered guardianship. Also, she should not use the argument that " This is a terrible environment he is being brought up in," since she voluntarily allowed it for the past seven years.
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