teen mom 16 almost 17 wanting to be emancipated from my guardian


New Member
I'm a 16 almost 17 year old teen mother and I luv with my grandmother who has custody of me and I'm wanting to be emancipated so that me and my fiance can live together he has a house to his self a job at a plant and has been a great father. We want to get married now to fix our situation from a religious standpoint and because we've been together for a long time now. My grandmother says he cab only be at the house at curtain times and we can't go anywhere without time limit or her permission. He drives a really really long way every day to come see me and the baby and it is getting too hard especially me having to practically raise our son alone and my grandmother refuses t sign for us to be married and said if I emancipated her she would not go to coury. I don't know what to do because I can't keep living in the conditions I do and if I do it's going to rip my own family apart. What can I legally do?
You can legally live where your legal guardian says you live until you turn 18. Nothing you have posted suggests that you come even close to qualifying for emancipation.
I'm a 16 almost 17 year old teen mother and I luv with my grandmother who has custody of me and I'm wanting to be emancipated so that me and my fiance can live together he has a house to his self a job at a plant and has been a great father. We want to get married now to fix our situation from a religious standpoint and because we've been together for a long time now. My grandmother says he cab only be at the house at curtain times and we can't go anywhere without time limit or her permission. He drives a really really long way every day to come see me and the baby and it is getting too hard especially me having to practically raise our son alone and my grandmother refuses t sign for us to be married and said if I emancipated her she would not go to coury. I don't know what to do because I can't keep living in the conditions I do and if I do it's going to rip my own family apart. What can I legally do?

Hello, Teen Mom:

First of all, here's an early happy birthday wish for you.
The good news is even IF you were to start the long journey down the road to emancipation, it would take almost as long as a year.
Heck, by that time, life would emancipate you because you'd have had your 18th birthday.
So, hang on, in 13, 14, 15 or whatever number of months, you'll be admitted to the adult community.
Trust me, I've been one a very long time, and as with other things in life, its NOT what its cracked up to be.
Your grandmother is a fountain of wisdom, but as with your faucet in the kitchen, you have to turn it on to get water.
So, start this day to learn from her.
Make sure your baby gets to know her, too.
You'll soon learn that being a parent is the hardest job you'll ever have.
But, setting limits and saying no are some of the greatest gifts you'll give to your child.
You should focus on your baby, school, and learning things from grandmother.
Guys will always be there, and I hope you've found the right guy.
If he is, he'll understand that you need to finish high school, get a trade, and education, or skill to ensure a great life for that baby.
Otherwise, baby and you must be your major focus, as well as finishing your education.
Good luck.
Sorry but until you are 18 you live where your grandmother (guardian) says you live & I don't see where you qualify for emancipation. Grandmother currently gets to make the rules in regard to you.
Obviously it was not far enough to avoid you getting pregnant in the short time you have together. This indicates he needs less time with you, not more. Perhaps he should restrict his visits to the time you are in school so he can change, bath, feed and babysit his child.