successor trustee , misconductand more ?

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New Member
-I am one of two beneficiaries of a family trust created by my father . He died 3 yrs.
ago in april The home I have lived in is property of my family trust , and I have lived there my entire life . and for the last 15 yrs. , only my father & I resided at the home.
My brother that originally was the other beneficiary of the trust , has become the
successor trustee now . this due to the misconduct and removal of my fathers original
named successos in his will and trust. My brother refuses to communicate w/me, wont
furnish an accounting to me. He falsely accused me of threatening him , and got a
restraining order that made me have to move out immediatly. I was not even allowed
to get in to get my toothbrush. He is trying to sell the property against my wishes so he has hired movers, a realtor and even a locksmith to gain access into my personal property. Things I consider to be valuable are gone, lots of things. too many to overlook
or let slide, I have contacted the local p,d, to try to recover my missing property. I
cannot even get a police report to be taken on the loss of my things. Im told it is a civil matter, and that at the point when I became restrained from the property all of my possesions that were inside the house became property of my brother acting as successor trustee., and that he could do what ever he wanted w / my things by the police dept.
How can this be true ? I was not evicted .he attempted to file a unlawful detainer
but it was iincomplete .nor behind on paying any type of rent. Would a trustee's duty and responsibilities, guidelines be in any way similar to those of a landlord with respect
to the tennents and the care and propely r storing of a tenents property for aspecific period of time?

Didn't you post this before? You need to see an attorney. This issue is to complicated for a forum to discuss adequately as we don't know what is indicated in the Family Trust. See about legal aid in your city that charge on a sliding scale fee if you qualify. It is a civil matter and you should be able to sue in a civil court case for your portion of whatever is allowed in the trust and for your peronal belongings.
yES, I did post my situation for discussion before. I also want to thank all those that have taken the time to review my situation and also apolagise for asking too many questions. It gets frustrating and difficult to properly represent myself / obtain proper representation due to being restrained from the home I have lived in my entire life , all my tools nto earn $ stolen and cheated out of all my rights as a beneficiary , Im an honest person thats being severely ripped off. Ive never delt w/anything even close to this and for me ,I most certianly cannot afford the wrong approach. Thank you for your time.
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