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My friend is divorced and his wife has full custody of their 9 year old daughter. The wife has been having some substance abuse problems and all manor of domestic difficulties (fights with boyfriend where police respond, evictions for nonpayment of rent). She refuses to give the child to her father who wants to raise her. The child wants to be with her father too. The father has not persued legal avenues to have the child's custody switched to him because even though he is a legal alien, he feels that he can't do anything. The mother recently was pregnant and rather than giving her the child support and spousal support that she was intitled to the father moved into the apartment to take care of his daughter and pay the bills. after a few months, the mother kicked my friend out so that her drug dealer boyfriend / baby's daddy could move back in. The new baby was born with some apparently drug related difficulties and CPS came to the house and removed the newborn baby and my friends child. My friend did not find out for 3 days that his child was gone. The mother is now claiming that my friend is responsible for bringing the drug people around and that he has a drug problem himself. Basically blaming him so that he doesn't get his daughter - just for spite. My friend has a court appointed attorney. He works for the City and can pass a drug test to prove that he is not on any drugs. My question is - Is a court appointed attorney going to be able to be devoted and interested enough to deal with this woman's false witness statements, community leader grandfather, immigration components, and many other details in this obviously complicated case?
Why does your friend have a court appointed attorney? Has he been charged with anything?

He needs to file for emergency custody asap. He does not need an attotrney to do this.
The wife points the finger

Duranie said:
Why does your friend have a court appointed attorney? Has he been charged with anything?

He needs to file for emergency custody asap. He does not need an attotrney to do this.
His X-wife has charged that somehow her drug use and corrosponding neglect/abuse of the children was his fault beacause he associated with drug people in or around the house and that he also has a substance abuse problem. None of this is true, however. She knows she is not getting the child that they share back until she cleans herself up and completes programs and such and she is simply trying to make it as hard as possible for the father to get the child - sadly, at the child's expense. I was wondering why DHS even cares what accusations this woman cares to make considering they have her children because one was born severely effected by her prenatal use of meth? She also has numerous instances of filing false police reports and lying to law inforcement.
Anything you know about a situation like this would be helpful.
He has filed for emergency custody. When his child was first removed from her mother's house, DHS was looking to place her with her father immediately but the mother told them that she didn't know where to find him and that he had nothing to do with the child. When the mother found out that her mother had told my friend what happened, and that he was all up in it trying to get the child, that's when she went to the department and started with the accusations of him. The whole thing would be completely ridiculous if it wasn't so sad.
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