stuck by dirty needle, what was I exposed to?

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New Member
I am a nurse working in a nursing home. After injecting a patient with insulin I was punctured by the dirty needle. I filed a wc report and was sent for blood work at wc doctor (hiv, hep). The person I was exposed to refuses testing. The dept. of health says that there is an act in my state that says i can have the patient tested for hiv with or without their consent. The dept of health isnt sure how i can obtain hep testing, but suggests a lawyer and a court order. My employer disagrees with the dept of health and says the patient has the right to refuse and will not force them into testing. Desperately need legal representation but cannot find a lawyer who can advise me or even knows what type of law this pertains to. I do not want to expose my family, friends, and patients to aids/hepatitis. There are therapies/medicines that I could be taking right now if I knew what I had been exposed to. Please help, I need someone willing to give this a try/stand up for whats right.
You've been tested, just wait for your test results.
No need to get into a fight with your employer over this, unless you are infected.

In all likelihood, you'll be just fine.
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