stop payment on check

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New Member
When renting a property a person gave me a check for $1000, which I deposited, to secure the rental; we made no other written agreement. I canceled the advertisements and turned away other prospective renters. Next thing I knew, without hearing anything further from him, my bank had taken the money back out of my account, because payment had been stopped. Is there any point in me pursuing this? Is a check a contract?
tpinney said:
When renting a property a person gave me a check for $1000, which I deposited, to secure the rental; we made no other written agreement. I canceled the advertisements and turned away other prospective renters. Next thing I knew, without hearing anything further from him, my bank had taken the money back out of my account, because payment had been stopped. Is there any point in me pursuing this? Is a check a contract?
Yes, a check is a contract on top of the fact that he verbally stated that he was going to take the rental. It would be tough to establish damages since he did not actually use the rental, but you could still sue him for a Breach of Contract. I am not sure what you would get, but you could sue him on principle.
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