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New Member
So, recently I was pulled in the LP's office and told I was part of an investigation. He kept it general and asked easy questions. He then told me I know that you have stolen from us. I knew exactly what he was talking about, I worked outside at the registers and took gatorade and water when it was really hot. (excuse my thirst) I also took two candy bars. I had full intentions of paying for these items but I forget half way through the day and never did so. Anyway, they made me write a statement of what I had done and sign and dated it. They then ran in and out of the room. He bascially told me I was lying at some points and I began to get angry because I openly admitted to what I did. They told me I could face charges. I supposedly took 13 I do not think it was ever that high but I said sure why not, m total pay back was $15.50. I paid it that day and was terminated. I know what I did was wrong believe me I do. I just really do not want to end up in court for being thirsty and taking gatorade. I'm sure no one knows a to the point answer of where this will go, but thanks for any advice.
I am a retail theft consultant and deal with issues like this daily. If you paid for items this should be over since store was made whole again. Your big problem now is you were fired for theft and this can hurt your chances at future jobs elsewhere
So, recently I was pulled in the LP's office and told I was part of an investigation. He kept it general and asked easy questions. He then told me I know that you have stolen from us. I knew exactly what he was talking about, I worked outside at the registers and took gatorade and water when it was really hot. (excuse my thirst) I also took two candy bars. I had full intentions of paying for these items but I forget half way through the day and never did so. Anyway, they made me write a statement of what I had done and sign and dated it. They then ran in and out of the room. He bascially told me I was lying at some points and I began to get angry because I openly admitted to what I did. They told me I could face charges. I supposedly took 13 I do not think it was ever that high but I said sure why not, m total pay back was $15.50. I paid it that day and was terminated. I know what I did was wrong believe me I do. I just really do not want to end up in court for being thirsty and taking gatorade. I'm sure no one knows a to the point answer of where this will go, but thanks for any advice.

It won't help you in this case, but if ever questioned by an employer or the police: Simply respond with, "Sorry, I have nothing to say. I have nothing to admit. I wish to invoke my right to speak with an attorney and I also wish to remain silent."

They'll try to bully you, scare you, befriend you, and many other tricks and shenanigans; but stand firm. Be polite, smile, and repeat the phrase: "I have nothing to say until i see my attorney. I am standing on my right to remain silent."

There is nothing you could have said to convince them NOT to fire you.
By admitting to the alleged crime, you sealed your fate.
Plus, never ever again take anything without paying for it before you consume it or remove it from the premises.
In short, don't touch or take things that don't belong to you.
We all learned that in kindergarten.

The admission will haunt you for years.
They probably won't pursue it further, but you'll see it cropping up when you seek new employment.
Nothing you can do about it now, but it might have been easier if they had prosecuted you.

These videos lay it all out for you and anyone else that might find themselves on such a hot seat.
If you apply for unemployment ins., it's very doubtful you will receive it due to the reason for your termination. State's decision.
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